{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "orthoRegionalDoq1996_1998", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Maine GeoLibrary Orthoimagery Regional DOQ 1996 - 1998.", "description": "
MEDOQ are digital orthorectified aerial imagery in gray-scale with 1-meter ground resolution. They are derived from the original US Geological Survey Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quads but cover one full 7.5 minute quadrangle. MEDOQs are compressed using the Lizardtech MrSid software (http://www.lizardtech.com) and are referred to as MrSid format ( .sid ) imagery. The MEDOQs are suitable for applications at a scale of 1\" = 1,000 ( 1:12,000 ). MEDOQs are now available for all of Maine on the Maine Office of GIS. MEDOQs are are suitable for applications at a scale of 1\" = 1,000 ( 1:12,000 ) or larger. According to National Map Accuracy Standards for maps at that scale 90% of well defined points tested must be within 1/30 of an inch or 33.33 feet of their true position on the ground. DOQs serve a variety of purposes, from interim maps to field references for earth science investigations and analysis. The DOQ is useful as a layer of a geographic information system and as a tool for revision of digital line graphs and topographic maps.Users must assume responsibility in determining the usability of this data for their purpose. Data at this scale may be useful for parcel level studies and detailed planning.<\/span><\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div>",
"summary": "Maine GeoLibrary Orthoimagery Regional DOQ 1996 - 1998.",
"title": "orthoRegionalDoq1996_1998",
"tags": [
"type": "Image Service",
"typeKeywords": [
"Image Service",
"ArcGIS Server"
"thumbnail": "",
"url": "https://gis.maine.gov/arcgis",
"minScale": 2.95828763795777E8,
"maxScale": 144447.638572,
"spatialReference": "WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere",
"accessInformation": "U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) EROS Data Center (EDC), Maine GeoLibrary",
"licenseInfo": " Users must assume responsibility in determining the usability of this data for their purposes. Digital maps retain the accuracy of their source materials. The best use of data mapped at scales of 1:500,000 and 1:250,000 is in statewide planning and studies; at 1:100,000 in regional planning and studies; at 1:62,500 and 1:24,000 in detailed studies and local planning; and at 1:12,000 and 1:5,000 or larger scales in parcel level studies and detailed local planning. In the use of Maine GIS data, please check sources, scale, accuracy, currentness and other available information. Please confirm that you are using the correct copy of both data and metadata from the Maine GeoLibrary Data Catalog.<\/span><\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div>"