This layer represents Inland Waterfowl / Wading bird Habitat (IWWH), a Significant Wildlife Habitat defined under Maine's Natural Resources Protection Act (NRPA; IWWHs with a high or moderate rating meet the Significant Wildlife Habitat definition and are protected under NRPA. Low-rated IWWHs are NOT included in this layer because they do not meet the definition and are not protected under NRPA. Boundaries and attributes of polygons in organized townships were updated in 2008 by MDIFW staff using recent (2001-2007), high-resolution (<=1 m), color orthoimagery. For most polygons, multiple images from different years and seasons were used. Polygons in unorganized townships were mapped by MDIFW regional staff in the 1990s from lower-resolution orthoimagery, various wetland data sets, and field visits or via an automated process developed by Heather Rustigian and William Krohn (USGS Biological Resources Division) using statewide digital NWI (National Wetlands Inventory) data, aerial imagery, and hydrology data. Each IWWH boundary includes a 250-foot upland zone around the wetland perimeter. Upland zones were edited to exclude areas of intensive development, slivers crossing major roads into non-wetland habitat, and shorelines >250 ft from a vegetated, non-forested wetland on a Great Pond. Changes to polygon boundaries and IWWH ratings are occasionally made based on a field visit by an MDIFW regional biologist. The last such modification was made 2012-04-09. |