Description: Original Metadata Description: Based on a ".dbf" copy of a 'csv' file provided by Jeffrey Pitcher [Maine DOT] on 5/26/2010. The column headers in the original ".csv" file were trimmed to remove leading and trailing spaces. Raw data table extracted by Jeffery Pitcher on 5/26/2010 from the FRA Database. Data was mapped as an X/Y Event and those rows in the original table that had a Latitude or Longitude value equal to 0 were not included.October 2013: Data converted to NAD 83 UTM Zone 19N by Ginger McMullin, Maine DEP. Many mileposts had been located several times over several years so that 2-5 locations within 50 feet or so of each other were recorded for each milepost. Several rail lines also had duplicate milepost numbers. In order to obtain distinct milepost numbers, the data was separated into 8 main rail lines. For areas with duplicate mileposts in the same general location, a Dissolve was run to combine the mileposts into a multipoint dataset, and then a Feature to Point was run to obtain one milepost in the approximate midpoint of duplicate locations.
Description: These data represent stream and pond habitats in Maine known to be actively used by wild lake trout. The data are generated from survey records and professional opinion and are areas actively managed as wild lake trout fisheries.
Copyright Text: All inquiries regarding this dataset should be directed to:
Merry Gallagher, Native Fish Conservation Biologist
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
650 State St.
Bangor, ME 04401
Description: These data represent stream and pond habitats in Maine managed for wild arctic charr. The data are generated from survey records and local knowledge and represent areas actively managed for wild arctic charr. Charr are considered always present in these areas and are a state listed 'species of concern' and considered a 'species of greatest conservation need' in Maine's Comprehensive Wildlife Action Plan.
Copyright Text: All inquiries regarding this dataset should be directed to:
Merry Gallagher, Native Fish Conservation Biologist
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
650 State St.
Bangor, ME 04401
Description: These data represent stream and pond habitats buffered by 100 feet in Maine considered to be occupied habitat by Maine listed Special Concern fish species. The data are generated from survey records and local professional knowledge. Many species are also considered 'Species of Greatest Conservation Need' in Maine's Comprehensive Wildlife Action Plan.
Service Item Id: bbe99ccf2dbd4ef998c7fabb003eb7b5
Copyright Text: All inquiries regarding this dataset should be directed to:
Merry Gallagher, Research Fishery Biologist
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
650 State St.
Bangor, ME 04401
Name: Habitat for Endangered, Threatened or Special Concern Species
Display Field: SNAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Mapped habitats based on observations of wildlife species that are Endangered, Threatened, or of Special Concern. This layer is updated daily. Most updates are additions of new observations. Less frequently, geometries/attributes may be modified or deleted. More updates tend to occur after rather than during field seasons. Static copies of this data set should not be kept for more than 1 year and ideally should be replaced at least monthly during non-summer months when updates occur most frequently.
Service Item Id: bbe99ccf2dbd4ef998c7fabb003eb7b5
Copyright Text: Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Description: This layer represents Inland Waterfowl / Wading bird Habitat (IWWH), a Significant Wildlife Habitat defined under Maine's Natural Resources Protection Act (NRPA; IWWHs with a high or moderate rating meet the Significant Wildlife Habitat definition and are protected under NRPA. Low-rated IWWHs are NOT included in this layer because they do not meet the definition and are not protected under NRPA. Boundaries and attributes of polygons in organized townships were updated in 2008 by MDIFW staff using recent (2001-2007), high-resolution (<=1 m), color orthoimagery. For most polygons, multiple images from different years and seasons were used. Polygons in unorganized townships were mapped by MDIFW regional staff in the 1990s from lower-resolution orthoimagery, various wetland data sets, and field visits or via an automated process developed by Heather Rustigian and William Krohn (USGS Biological Resources Division) using statewide digital NWI (National Wetlands Inventory) data, aerial imagery, and hydrology data. Each IWWH boundary includes a 250-foot upland zone around the wetland perimeter. Upland zones were edited to exclude areas of intensive development, slivers crossing major roads into non-wetland habitat, and shorelines >250 ft from a vegetated, non-forested wetland on a Great Pond. Changes to polygon boundaries and IWWH ratings are occasionally made based on a field visit by an MDIFW regional biologist. The last such modification was made 2012-04-09.
Copyright Text: Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) Wildlife Resource Assessment Section, Habitat Group; MDIFW Wildlife Management Section, Regional staff; Heather L. Rustigian and William B. Krohn, University of Maine, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (for polygons mapped in unorganized townships) .
Description: This dataset depicts 250-foot habitat zones surrounding the perimeters of Significant Vernal Pools (SVPs) or Potentially Significant Vernal Pools (PSVPs). SVPs and PSVPs were mapped and surveyed in the field by Maine Department of Environmental Protection staff, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife biologists, and appropriately trained consultants.
Copyright Text: Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Description: Locations of rare plants and rare and exmplary natural community and ecosystem types within organized towns in Maine as mapped by the Maine Natural Areas Program (MNAP), Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. Data are mapped at 1:24K or larger scale.
Description: WELLMODS contains bedrock source water protection areas and sand/gravel aquifer areas with 200-2500 day travel time in with a probability of contributing water to community public water supplies in Maine. The dataset is suitable for mapping at 1:24,000 or larger scale. The Maine Drinking Water Program (MEDWP), in cooperation with the Maine Geological Survey (MGS) has conducted probabilistic digital modeling of the contributing areas to selected community public water supplies. The models were run using the U.S. Geological Survey finite-difference ground-water flow model MODFLOW and the particle tracking package MODPATH. Available geologic and pump test data formed the primary inputs to the models. Additional information on MODFLOW and MODPATH and water resource modeling techniques is available at and .
Copyright Text: Dataset developed by Maine Drinking Water Program, with logistical and financial support from USEPA.