MaineDOT Public Roads (52)
Bridges (0)
Cross Culverts (54)
Large Culverts (1)
Airports (2)
Traffic Signals (3)
| Signal |
| Beacon |
Park and Ride (8)
Railroad Crossings (32)
Public Projects Points (4)
Public Projects Lines (5)
Scenic Byways (6)
Railroads (33)
| Active |
| Inactive, with track |
| Abandoned, possibly no track. |
| Track removed, Right of way repurposed. |
Posted Speed Limits (34)
| 10 |
| 15 |
| 20 |
| 25 |
| 30 |
| 35 |
| 40 |
| 45 |
| 50 |
| 55 |
| 60 |
| 65 |
| 70 |
| 75 |
FFC (31)
| Principal Arterial Interstate |
| Principal Arterial Other Freeway or Expressway |
| Other Principal Arterial |
| Minor Arterial |
| Major/Urban Collector |
| Minor Collector |
NHS (35)
| NHS - Interstate |
| NHS - Other |
| NHS - Intermodal connector |
| Fed aid non-NHS |
Buildings Footprints (42)
State Urban (26)
Federal Urban (27)
MEDOT Regions (29)