Essential Wildlife Habitats are areas currently or historically providing physical or biological features essential to the conservation of an endangered or threatened species in Maine and which may require special management considerations. As required under the Maine Endangered Species Act, a state agency or municipal government shall not permit, license, fund or carry out projects that will significantly alter an Essential Habitat or violate protection guidelines adopted for the habitat. Landowners, project planners, municipalities or state agencies considering a project in or near an Essential Habitat should immediately contact an MDIFW Regional Wildlife Biologist for assistance.
Essential Wildlife Habitat pertains only to definitions under Maine's endangered species laws (12 MRSA, Chapter 713, Subchapter V, Sections 7754 and 7755-A) and regulations (MDIFW Rules, Chapter 8.05). Information about and mapped locations of other endangered and threatened species habitats, "Significant Wildlife Habitat" (38 MRSA, Chapter 3, Subchapter 1, Section 480-B). |