Description: Essential Wildlife Habitats are areas currently or historically providing physical or biological features essential to the conservation of an endangered or threatened species in Maine and which may require special management considerations. As required under the Maine Endangered Species Act, a state agency or municipal government shall not permit, license, fund or carry out projects that will significantly alter an Essential Habitat or violate protection guidelines adopted for the habitat. Landowners, project planners, municipalities or state agencies considering a project in or near an Essential Habitat should immediately contact an MDIFW Regional Wildlife Biologist for assistance.
Essential Wildlife Habitat pertains only to definitions under Maine's endangered species laws (12 MRSA, Chapter 713, Subchapter V, Sections 7754 and 7755-A) and regulations (MDIFW Rules, Chapter 8.05). Information about and mapped locations of other endangered and threatened species habitats, "Significant Wildlife Habitat" (38 MRSA, Chapter 3, Subchapter 1, Section 480-B).
Service Item Id: e535fd21f3a74a6bbdacffac482ddda0
Copyright Text: Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Description: In support of Maine's Endangered Species Act (MESA), this dataset was developed to provide special protection to maintain breeding habitat and to prevent disturbance that may cause nesting failure of roseate terns. Protection is focused on the nesting area.
Service Item Id: e535fd21f3a74a6bbdacffac482ddda0
Copyright Text: Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Name: Piping Plover and Least Tern Essential Habitat
Display Field: SITE
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: In support of Maine's Endangered Species Act (MESA), this dataset was developed to designate essential habitat for piping plovers and least terns. This designation provides special protection essential to the conservation of these species by maintaining nesting, feeding, and brood-rearing habitats and minimizing human-related disturbance that can cause nesting failure. Protection is focused on the coastal wetlands and coastal sand dune systems used by nesting piping plovers or least terns.
Service Item Id: e535fd21f3a74a6bbdacffac482ddda0
Copyright Text: Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Description: This data set was developed in accordance with Maine's Natural Resources Protection Act, which designates the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) as the authority for determining Significant Wildlife Habitats. The polygons mapped in this GIS data set delineate the location of each DWA as accurately as possible given available information at the time they were created; however, consultation with an MDIFW Regional Biologist is strongly advised for a final determination of the boundaries and current habitat quality of any specific area. For any Significant Wildlife Habitat, a field determination by the MDIFW Regional Biologist takes precedence over the mapped polygon.
Service Item Id: e535fd21f3a74a6bbdacffac482ddda0
Copyright Text: Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Description: Seabird Nesting Islands have been formally adopted as a NRPA Significant Wildlife Habitat through the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP) regulatory process. The SNI dataset contains polygons that represent NRPA regulated coastal seabird nesting islands or portions thereof along the coast of Maine. This coverage is included in the statewide seabird nesting island database maintained by MDIFW. See metadata for "Seabird Islands (LUPC)" for descriptions of seabird islands under Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC) jurisdiction (available through Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW)). Other seabird nesting islands may exist that do not qualify for regulation under NRPA. The dataset is a subset of the statewide coverage.
Service Item Id: e535fd21f3a74a6bbdacffac482ddda0
Copyright Text: Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Color: [242, 175, 46, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: Polygons with a high or moderate rating indicate Inland Waterfowl / Wading bird Habitats (IWWHs) protected as Significant Wildlife Habitats under the Natural Resource Protection Act (NRPA).
Service Item Id: e535fd21f3a74a6bbdacffac482ddda0
Copyright Text: Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Description: This data set contains Tidal Waterfowl / Wading bird Habitat (TWWH) polygons rated as Significant Wildlife Habitat under Maine's Natural Resources Protection Act (NRPA).
Service Item Id: e535fd21f3a74a6bbdacffac482ddda0
Copyright Text: Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Name: Endangered Threatened and Special Concern Wildlife
Display Field: SNAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Mapped habitats based on observations of wildlife species that are Endangered, Threatened, or of Special Concern. This layer is updated daily. Most updates are additions of new observations. Less frequently, geometries/attributes may be modified or deleted. More updates tend to occur after rather than during field seasons. Static copies of this data set should not be kept for more than 1 year and ideally should be replaced at least monthly during non-summer months when updates occur most frequently.
Service Item Id: e535fd21f3a74a6bbdacffac482ddda0
Copyright Text: Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Description: These data represent stream and pond habitats buffered by 100 feet in Maine known to be actively used by redfin pickerel and swamp darter. The data are generated from survey records and local professional knowledge. Redfin pickerel are listed as Endangered and swamp darter are listed as Threatened under Maine's Endangered Species Act. Both species are also considered 'Species of Greatest Conservation Need' in Maine's Comprehensive Wildlife Action Plan.
Service Item Id: e535fd21f3a74a6bbdacffac482ddda0
Copyright Text: Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife