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Item Information

snippet: Maine GeoLibrary Orthoimagery Regional Aggregate 1996 - 2019
summary: Maine GeoLibrary Orthoimagery Regional Aggregate 1996 - 2019
accessInformation: Maine GeoLibrary
maxScale: 144447.638572
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Image Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Maine GeoLibrary Orthoimagery Project. Regional orthoimagery from multiple sources covering multiple regions and time periods as a single aggregated service.  This service primarily supports State of Maine internal applications.  End users are encouraged to consume individual orthoimagery services to enhancing rendering performance in GIS clients.  End users choosing to consume this service should employ query and/or filtering methods including temporal filtering to enhance rendering performance and user experience.
licenseInfo: Access: Public Use: User assumes risk. Some data contains license use restrictions. Consult individual content metadata for more information.
title: orthoRegional
type: Image Service
tags: ["imageryBaseMapsEarthCover","ortho","orthoimagery","orthophotography","orthoRegional","Maine","GeoLibrary","MaineGeoLibrary","regional","aggregate"]
culture: en-US
name: orthoRegional
minScale: 7.3957190948944E7
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere